When a home is on the market, it is of up most importance that it appears to be in excellent order and is arranged and decorated so it is most appealing to the discriminating buyer. This is especially important when there is an abundance of homes on the market. The home needs to say – “Wow!”
Curb appeal is the first factor. Is the driveway and parking area sufficient? There should be an appealing walkway and entryway. Pots, benches, shrubbery and flowers draw the eye in and creates a welcoming statement. Sometimes a door needs to be changed to add more drama or just painted with a bold color change.
The interior should present itself in such a way to be organized, bright and comfortable. Anything broken should be removed. It is important to be comfortable but without a lot of crowded furniture. The colors and furnishings are best if they promote a serene space without being too garish or tacky. The sellers should want to appeal to as many buyers as possible so anything really unusual should be discouraged.
Pillows, accessories, different textures, flowers, plants, good lighting and decluttered rooms all add to the ambiance. A fireplace on, relaxing music and the aroma of baked goods all help to make a home feel comfortable and inviting.
It is important to not have too much stuff and personal things displayed around a lot, such as; family portraits and kids toys. This makes the buyer think that it can never be their home and it must remain forever yours. Sometimes, it is necessary to have some furniture and items moved out of the home or put in storage places ahead of time.
Keep in mind, that if a home is completely bare, it may be harder to sell also. These empty homes may feel too “cold” and lookers may spend too much thought in “how are they going to decorate all this space?”
If you need any help in making your home more appealing for any reason, please contact me at : 970-769-5436. or 970-769-3062.